Woman sitting on coach looking ill with blanket on, early pregnancy

5 Strategies to Relieve Morning Sickness

Morning sickness can range from mildly inconvenient to debilitating. Here are 5 strategies to relieve morning sickness from me – a certified pregnancy health coach, birth educator, and doula. What is Morning Sickness?   You’ve heard the term before and are now experiencing it first-hand. Morning sickness is used to describe nausea and/or vomiting during […]

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Hey Mama! 
I'm a childbirth educator, pregnancy health coach, and doula sharing my expertise so you can have a healthy, joyful start to motherhood. 

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Cassie pregnant with family at her baby shower as she prepared to be a new mom

That second pink line was faint, but it was there. I was pregnant! And immediately a switch flipped in my mind. Suddenly, rushing to get ready and speeding to work didn’t matter. The dishes in the sink didn’t matter. All the little things that caused me stress on a daily basis no longer seemed as important. 

Three Ways Pregnancy Helped Me Stress Less


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