What I Do

I give you the support & knowledge you need to stay healthy, advocate for your needs, and find the positive throughout hyperemesis gravidarum. 
So if you've been searching for relief, connection, & real strategies to not only survive your pregnancy, but to thrive during it, you're in the right place.


helping you cope through HG

You're in the right place.

HG and extreme nausea/vomiting can be physically and mentally taxing. I know because I've been there. It took months for my care provider to take my symptoms seriously & give me any support beyond a prescription. If you're tired of not being validated and simply being told "it's only temporary" while you suffer throughout your pregnancy, I'm here to take you seriously & help you find relief.

You're stronger than hyperemesis gravidarum. But if you're anything like me, you could really use someone by your side who can provide physical, mental, & emotional support.

"I wanted to tell you again just how much our meetings meant to me. I'll never be able to thank you enough. ❤"

felt seen & supported



"Think Katie's work is just for women? Think again. I'm a man (obviously), and my business tripled, too!"

Made six figures:


real results

Meal plan coming soon!

Meal Planning

HG survival course coming soon!


I offer a personalized 6-week health coaching program to help relieve your HG symptoms, while supporting you mentally & emotionally.

pregnancy health coaching

Ways to Work Together

Find joy in your pregnancy again

You're over HG & ready to try different strategies to ease your symptoms.



Join my 6-week coaching program to ease symptoms, manage stress, & enjoy your pregnancy again throughout hyperemesis gravidarum or extreme nausea/vomiting. You'll receive weekly one-on-one sessions with me that'll help you take back control of your physical & mental health.

Get personalized care & evidence-based strategies for relief.

HG Pregnancy Coaching

Join the collective

You don't have to suffer through your pregnancy.

Ready to Kick Hyperemesis Gravidarum's Ass?

lets do this.